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Welcome back!
September 2024
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely summer holidays. We have an exciting year ahead filled with Shows, Competitions, fetes and exams. Please keep an eye on your emails and social media for updates. I look foward to seeing everyone back in class this Academic year.
Miss Lorna

We have reached our fundraising target!
I am very excited to announce that the ballet barre and dance floor have been purchased. This equipment is a huge benefit to Stagedoor School of Dance students. Thank you to everyone who donated.
Miss L

Stagedoor School of Dance has set up a Go fund Me page to help raise money for a Ballet Barre and Harlequin Dance floor. This equipment will benefit all students in all dance styles. Any contributions will be gratefully received!
Please click the link below...
Many thanks
Miss Lorna

Huge Congratulations to this years award winners -
Dancer of the Year,
Most Improved
Principals Choice,
Very well deserved!
We have another exciting year ahead of us with exams and performances. Keep an eye on our Instagram page for all updates.
Miss Lorna

Stagedoor is launching a new Dance Tots class in September. Classes will be held at Atworth Village Hall Friday Mornings at 10am-10:40am. For Ages 18months - up to 3 years.
Pre book your space for just £5
Contact Lorna at for more information and to book.

Congratulations to all the students that danced at Box Revels over the bank holiday weekend. You were all fantastic!
Looking forward to the summer term and getting ready for some exciting events ahead.
Miss Lorna

New Timetable for Commercial Street Dance on a Saturday Morning...
10:15-11am Junior Street
11am-11:45 Inter Street
11:45-12pm Senior Street

Summer holidays have begun!
We have had a fantastic year at Stagedoor School of Dance, with shows, fetes, dance parties and exams. Well done to all those involved! Enjoy the sunshine and some time off, and I look forward to seeing you all in September for another exciting year of dance, and even more classes to look forward to! (New Timetable below)
Miss Lorna x
September Timetable 2023
4-4:45pm Grade 2 Ballet (Atworth Village Hall)
4:45-5:30pm Contemporary (Atworth Village Hall)
10-10:40am Dance Tots (Atworth Village Hall)
3:35-4:15pm Grade 1 Ballet
4:15-5pm Tap
8:45-9:15am Pre Primary Ballet
9:15-10am Primary Ballet
10-10:30am Junior Tap
10:30-11:15am Junior Street
11:15-12pm Inter Street
12-12:45pm Senior Street

Book your slot for the “Dance the Musicals” workshop. Only £10. Ages 5+

Happy New Year and Welcome back. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas. What a fantastic end to last term with the Christmas Showcase. Well done again to everyone involved. Also well done to our “Dancer of the Year” Ruby Martin.
We have another exciting year ahead of us so keep an eye on newsletters and our Facebook page.

Saturday 4th December 2021
Tickets go on Sale 8th November 2021
Pre order official showcase photos with Freya Steel Photography.

What a fantastic first week back at Stagedoor School of Dance! Starting off with routines for the show in December, all the students have worked so hard. Star of the week is back, so each class there will be a “star of the week”. This will go to someone different each week, but someone who has worked hard, or improved or has just been really well behaved.

Dear Parents,
I am super excited to announce that term will start week commencing 6th September 2021. After a year and a half of covid restrictions we are back in the hall. Safety is still our priority, any child with symptoms or has been in close proximity with someone with covid please stay out of class for the required time, and let me know, you can still join via zoom in these circumstances.
I am re launching our junior tap class on a Friday at 4:14pm. If you haven’t signed up then please do so. Also Adult Tap (age 15+) on a Wednesday evening at Colerne Village Hall at 7:05pm! No experience necessary so come and join the fun.
This year I am organising our first dance showcase for Saturday 4th December, which is very exciting, so put the date in your diary! All details re tickets and costumes to come.
Uniform is available to purchase, please order via email. it would be amazing if every student has this for class.
I look forward to seeing you all very soon.
Miss Lorna

Dear Parents,
Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who continued their dance classes via zoom, your support and dedication through this tough period has been amazing!
This month has been quite exciting as my new bundle of joy has arrived, a baby boy named Jack. And, we are also now able to dance back in the hall!! Yay!
With that being said, we can now resume classes this summer term. These will be the same classes and times as before, maintaining covid government guidelines. Classes will start back week commencing 7th June, Timetable below;
3:35 Grade 1 Ballet,
4:20 Tap/Modern,
5pm Grade 2 Ballet
9am Pre primary Ballet,
9.30am Primary Ballet,
10:20am Junior Street,
11:15am Senior street
Please may all payments be made via BACS as before, and for those I owe a class to from me cancelling last term, please amend your class fees for this term.
The term dates will run the same as the local schools with the exception of senior street on Saturday 3rd July and all classes on Friday 9th July.
Stagedoor uniform is still available to purchase, please email your orders. Uniform is on the website,
Please may you confirm your child’s place in the class as spaces are limited, and don’t forget to tell friends or family that we are back and to join!
I very much look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks.
Many thanks and kind regards
Miss Lorna x

Due to government guidelines and restrictions, all classes will commence on zoom for the time being. As soon as the ok is given we will go back to the hall. Please continue to check our Facebook page for updates.
Thank you again for your continued support during this difficult time.

We are excited to announce that we will be back running as normal (the new normal) as of Friday 11th September 2020. The class timetable is now up for this term so please register your child as soon as possible as there are limited spaces per class.
We have put Covid-19 safety procedures in please which will be emailed out to everyone, and will be on a notice board at the dance hall. Please do stick to this as it is for the safety of students and teachers.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support in this bizarre time in the world. We look forward to seeing everyone in September.
Miss Lorna x

With some schools returning today 1st June, Stagedoor School of Dance will remain teaching classes via zoom. Classes for this term will continue at the normal times (timetable below) until 11th July where we will break for the summer holidays.
Monday 3:30pm Tap/Modern age 5+
Tuesday 10:30 Adult Ballet
Saturday 9am pre primary ballet
Saturday 9:30 primary Ballet
Saturday 10:15 junior street
Saturday 11:15 senior street
I am hoping that come September we will be back in the dance hall, but due to the safety of everyone, I feel that it’s best not to rush back to the hall.
I will continue giving you updates, please keep an eye on the website and Facebook page.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Miss Lorna x

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, Stagedoor School of Dance have moved all classes to online. This is for the safety of both students and staff, therefore all classes will continue virtually, via the zoom app. There will be no charge for these classes, I will only be accepting donations.
Sadly all performances for this year have been cancelled/postponed, but I am working very hard to have shows lined up for when we are back. Please continue to support the dance school so we can go straight back to the dance hall once it is safe, and we’ve been given the go ahead.
I look forward to seeing everyone in our zoom classes and then back in the dance hall. Stay safe and please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any additional updates.
Miss Lorna

Welcome back Stagedoor School of Dance! What a brilliant start to the new term we have had. Kicking off the New Year with a brand new tap/modern combined class – there are still spaces available so sign up now!
Senior Street troupe are getting ready for their very first competition with United Dance Organisation, which is very exciting. Come and show your support in Swindon on February 23rd.
Lots of exciting things happening this year so make sure you keep your eye on the website and Facebook page for updates.
Lets have a great 2020!!

Stagedoor School of Dance wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Look forward to seeing you all in January 2020

Welcome back to Stagedoor School of Dance. I hope everyone had a lovely Easter Holiday! We have a very exciting term coming up, as we have been invited to perform at Box Revels in May (more details for the class involved to follow).
Term starts this week, Saturday 27th April until 25th May, where we will break 1 week for Half Term. We will then continue classes up until the Summer Holidays, which will commence after classes on the 20th July.
If you pay for the full term via BACs/Cash/Cheque, payments will be for the 12 weeks of classes, up until the summer holidays with a discount of 1 class. Payments to be made at the start of term if possible please.
NEW UNIFORM! I am very excited to announce we have new uniform for Stagedoor School of Dance with the School logo on. Hoodies and t-shirts will be available to order every Saturday, and I would really love every student to have one. Lets really get supporting Stagedoor School of Dance!
BOX REVELS! It is an honour to be invited to perform at Box Revels this May 27th Bank Holiday. If you are in the senior street dance class this is YOU!! Rehearsals will take place in class, but please may you let me know your availability or if you are unable to perform ASAP so I can arrange/adjust the routine suitably.
I very much look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday 27th April.
Many thanks x

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Classes start back on Saturday 19th January 2019. Looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks!

Welcome back after half term. I hope you enjoyed a week off with some "trick or treating". After a fantastic Term 1 at Stagedoor School of Dance, I am looking forward to seeing you all again at Ballet and Street/Jazz for some more fun filled dance classes.
Term 2 starts Saturday 10th November until Saturday 15th December, where we will then break for the Christmas Holidays. The last day of term (Saturday 15th December) is watching week, where all friends and family are welcome to watch so please put the date in your diary.
Uniform for Ballet is available to purchase every Saturday from the front desk; leotards, tights, cross over cardigans and ballet shoes. Orders can also be done via email. Street/Jazz t-shirts and hoodies are on their way shortly, so keep your eyes peeled for them coming soon!
Please continue to spread the word of Stagedoor School of Dance as new students are always welcome and keep an eye out for more classes being launched at the end of the year!
Looking forward to a brilliant and exciting term 2.

Welcome to Stagedoor School of Dance. We are very excited to start the new term with Ballet, Jazz and Street Dance. (More classes and styles coming soon). All the classes will be held at Box Methodist Church, every Saturday morning. With the exception of Saturday 29th September, as to the hall being unavailable, there will be no classes.
Classes will run the same as the school term, breaking for 1 week over October half term - 29th Oct. to the 4th Nov. Classes will commence again from the week beginning the 5th November
Stagedoor School of Dance offers exams in Ballet through the RAD but these are not compulsory. We will have achievement awards at the end of each term, to recognise students who have tried and worked hard, or accomplished new skills etc. We also aim to do a dance show every year, so keep an eye on up coming newsletters with more information as to when, where and how to book tickets.
Class watching week will be the last class of the 12 week term, just before we break for Christmas. So please feel free to bring along Aunties, Uncles, Grannies and Grandads. The class will be a round up of everything the children have learned that term. If you cannot attend this watching week please let Miss Lorna know and she can arrange another for you to watch.
Miss Lorna is very excited for the year Stagedoor School of Dance has coming up, and is looking forward to meeting lots of new students this term.